Program and book of abstracts 1st conference

October 17 th – 20 th , 2022, Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Smolenice castle, Slovakia

Petrova Markantova Zornitza

A clinician working in the field of the pathoogy of aging and geriatry. Medical education on the Third Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. First ten years practiced clinical pathology. 2012 opens the prpject of Natural medicine, where traditional and modern methods are used simultaneously. From year 2016 till 2020 directs the Molecular hydrogen therapy institute. Since 2021 is a member of the International Association of the Medical Gases therapists where reprsents the therapists form Czeck republic. JURISTIC AND OTHER PITFALLS IN CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOLECULAR HYDROGEN IN EUROPE INTRODUCTION: Molecular hydrogen medicine is still a new field for researcers and field clinitians and as such still hides some pitfalls wich keeps from full use of its potential. We may divide them to juristic, personal, and simple lack of knowledge. METHODOLOGY: In my presentation I stop in every one of the points and analyse its role in slowing or enchancing tho common usage of molecular hydrogen. Also, I compare in the same points the role and condiion with other medical gases- xenone, ozone and oxygen CONCLUSION: In order to put usage of molecular hydrogen on dayly basis we still need to add knowledge and wide interest on different social levels. Zornitza Petrova Markantová, MD Modern doctor society, Ostrava Long-term health care dep, Vítkovice hospital, Ostrava


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