Program and book of abstracts 1st conference

October 17 th – 20 th , 2022, Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Smolenice castle, Slovakia

Manal Mohammed Ahmed

The area of research I worked in aim to better understand molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for cardiovascular complications in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) and other chronic diseases, and to identify therapeutic strategies that could be used to slow their progressions. I published research paper which highlighted the effects of exercise training and dietary intervention on electrophysiology and calcium transport in ventricular myocytes from diabetic heart, the transmural effects of diabetes on electrophysiology and calcium transport in myocytes from the ventricular myocardium and the effects of diabetes on the sinoatrial node andatrioventricularnodeof theheart.Methodologies used in research include in vivo electrophysiology, molecular biology, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and confocal microscopy.The researchs has involved collaborations with several overseas universities including Bristol, Central Lancashire, NebraskaMedical University and other.The researches were supported by international and national grants and resulted in book chapters and papers in peer reviewed books and journals. EFFECT OF MOLECULAR HYDROGEN THERAPY ON COVID-19 INDUCED CIRCADIAN INCREASE IN BLOOD PRESSURE WITH LOSS OF NIGHT DIPPING MA Manal 1 , JP Sharma 2 , RB Singh 3 1 Department of Physiology and Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine and Health BACKGROUND: It seems that adverse effects of high blood pressure (BP) on the heart were better correlated with mean 24-hour BP levels, in particular night BPs, than with casual BP readings. Under normal situation, night-time BP is typically lower than BP during the day. There is evidence that non-dipping of nocturnal BP and elevated nocturnal BP (nocturnal hypertension) have both emerged as independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease(CVDs) as well as all-cause mortality. It is possible that these differences are related to an endogenous circadian rhythm that persists under constant conditions but may also be under influence of space and weather as well as storms in cosmos. There is a paucity in knowledge on determinants of diurnal variation in BP and whether these are similar to or differ from other determinants, e g sleep disorders, of daytime and night-time BP. There is no study showing adverse effects of COVID-19 on BP variations. This care report highlights an amazing discovery on the role of COVID-19 in the pathogenesis of circadian dysfunction, predisposing increase in night time BPs and recovery after treatment with hydrogen rich water (HRW) therapy. CASE REPORT: A patient aged 77 years, male, presented with COVID-19 on April 17, 2021, as manifestation of side effect of Kovishield vaccination. His BPs were recorded every 4 hourly, in the right arm after 5 minute rest in lying position by automatic BP monitor. Since he had Post-COVID-19, chronic respiratory failure, his oxygen saturation at rest was 92% to 93%. His echocardiogram revealed that his ejection fraction was >65% Sciences, United Arab Emirates University UAE; 2 JM Maternity and Nursing Home, Seohara India, 3 Halberg Hospital and Research Institute, Moradabad, India;


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