Program and book of abstracts 1st conference

October 17 th – 20 th , 2022, Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Smolenice castle, Slovakia

Jarmar Adam

Adam Jarmar is a PhD student of Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic. He is at the beginning of the PhD study and working on the first part of his dissertation thesis focused on effect of inhaled molecular hydrogen on specific eccentric muscle contraction in norm baric hypoxia conditions. During his first year of the PhD study, he was successful in the competition of Internal Grant Agency of Palacký University Olomouc that supported his first research. EFFECTS OF INHALED MOLECULAR HYDROGEN ON RECOVERY PROCESS AFTER DOWNHILL WALKING ON THE TREADMILL – PRELIMINARY RESULTS Adam Jarmar, Michal Botek, Michal Valenta, Barbora Sládečková, Filip Neuls, Jaroslav Vyhnánek, Jan Sadil. Department of Natural Sciences in Kinanthropology, Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic. BACKGROUND: Downhill walking with the additional load is a movement requiring high level of eccentric muscle contractions that has high requirement for joint-tendon complex of lower limbs. After this specific physical activity comes muscle damages – macrofague activation, inflammation and oxidative stress. Recent studies also show longer recovery period compared to the uphill or straight-level walking. Arises the question how to decrease the effect of oxidative muscle damage in case of repeated eccentric contractions. Molecular hydrogen (H2) as a strong selective antioxidant and antiinflammatory agent shows an effective way for oxidative stress and inflammation reduction. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to assess the effect of H2 on recovery after simulated downhill treadmill walking with negative elevation and additional load. METHODS: The study is designed as a as a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled and crossover study with 18 participants – healthy men aged 20-35 years. Wash-Out period between experimental measurements was established to four weeks. One week before first experiment, the participants will be asked to follow diet and physical activity rules. The parameters such as heart rate, respiratory ventilation, activity of autonomic nervous system, psychometric data (Borg Scale, Visual Analog Scale), blood lactate concentration, steps frequency, centre of gravity acceleration and elevation, level of creatin kinase, inflammatory response, level of oxidative damages will be assessed. RESULTS: Reports the preliminary conclusions derived from the initial, pathfinder phase (05-07/2022) of a study will be presented in the poster section during 1st Conference of European Academy for Molecular Hydrogen Research in Biomedicine in October 2022.


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