Program and book of abstracts 1st conference
1 st Conference of European Academy for Molecular Hydrogen Research in Biomedicine “Hydrogen for Biomedicine“
Sun Xuejun
Dr. Xuejun Sun received his BS fromTaishanMedical Collage andPhDof Physiology from Seond Military Medical University. He completed post-doc training in Dr. John Zhang laboratory at Loma Linda University at California. Currently, he is a Professor of Naval Military Medical University, an adjunct professor of Hydrogen Science Center of Shanghai JiaoTong University. He is the Chairman of theMolecularHydrogenBiomedical Branch of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care. the vice chairman of the Molecular Hydrogen Biomedical Development Special Fund of China Health Promotion Foundation. He is mainly engaged in gas biology research. He has received 3 National Natural Science Foundation of China grants and published more than 260 peer-reviewed papers. As chief editor, he publishedMolecular Hydrogen Biology in 2013, HydrogenMolecular Biology and Medicine in 2015, and Hydrogen Medicine in 2000. He has long been committed to the application and promotion of hydrogen in the field of biomedical science popularization and health promotion, and has published hundreds of hydrogen medicine articles on his blog. HYDROGEN MEDICINE: RESEARCH ADVANCE, CONTROVERSY AND CHALLENGES Xue-jun sun 1,2 1 Department of Naval Medicine, Naval Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, China. 2 Center of Hydrogen Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200030, China. Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless and biologically active reducing small molecule gas, which can react with reactive oxygen species in the body. At present, it is believed that hydrogen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis and other biological effects, and hydrogen has high safety. In recent years, the scope of hydrogen-related research has been expanding, and hydrogen application models have been involved from acute disease to chronic disease, from benign disease tomalignant disease. In addition, the means of hydrogen application are gradually enriched, including hydrogen inhalation, hydrogen drinking water, intravenous or local use of hydrogen containing solution, and dialysis with hydrogen containing dialysate. At the same time, increasing clinical studies have further proved the important role and unique advantages of hydrogen in the treatment of diseases. However, themolecularmechanismof thebiological effects of hydrogenhasnot beenclarified, and many scholars and the general public lack understanding of the research progress of the biological effects of hydrogen, which limits the development of hydrogen medicine and the research and development of related products. The research and popularization of hydrogen medicine still has a long way to go. In our opinion, specific strategies to overcome challenges include:1) Multi-center clinical studies should be conducted to obtain more and better evidence of hydrogen therapy for diseases.2) Multidisciplinary cooperation to explore the molecular mechanism of hydrogen interaction.3) Social groups and governments are working together to explore the best application model for hydrogen medicine.
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