Program and book of abstracts 1st conference
1 st Conference of European Academy for Molecular Hydrogen Research in Biomedicine “Hydrogen for Biomedicine“
Welcome On behalf of the Organizing and Program Committee we are pleased to welcome you to „1 st Conference of European Academy for Molecular Hydrogen Research in Biomedicine“ held on October 17 th – 20 th , 2022 in Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Science, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia organized by Institute for Heart Research, Centre of Experimental Medicine, Slovak Academy of Sciences in collaboration with International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, International Society for Adaptive Medicine, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, and other institutions in Slovakia. The theme of the meeting is „Hydrogen in Biomedicine“. The goal of this scientific meeting is to bring together the top scientists, research fellows and trainees, from all over the world to participate in this scientific forum including from Canada, USA, Iran, East Jerusalem, Slovakia, Czechia, China, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Korea, and India. The meeting will be comprised of and 10 scientific sessions and will focus on pluripotent effect of Molecular Hydrogen on health, cardio protection, cardiometabolic diseases, oxidative stress molecular genetics, prevention, regeneration, heart failure, nutrition, ageing, COVID-19 treatment, applied aspects in cardiovascular health care delivery and many other biological effects. The scientific program committee did an outstanding job in assembling a stellar line up of expert speakers and integrative aspects of cardiovascular medicine with a special focus on early and midcareer investigators. A highlight of the meeting is the poster session and plenary symposium, landmark lectures, and awards programs. We are particularly proud of the large attendance of early and mid-career scientists. The combination of outstanding speakers, themed symposia and meeting venue will offer a great scientific program and enjoyable atmosphere. We hope that despite the tight scientific schedule there will be sufficient space for fruitful and stimulating discussions and chances to enjoy the beautiful nature of the Small Carpathian Mountins and cultural spirit of Slovakia. We would like to thank you for attending the conference and wish you a warm welcome to Smolenice Castle, Slovakia.
RNDr. Branislav Kura, Ph.D. Chair of the Meeting
Prof. Ján Slezák, MD, DSc., FIACS Honorary Chairman of the Meeting
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