katalóg - IVV - The Design Studio Collection

Sir Winston Churchill famously said the only way to make a martini was with ice- cold gin, and a bow in the direction of France. Alfred Hitchcock said the closest he wanted to get to a bottle of vermouth was looking at it from across the room. the Montgomery - 15 parts gin to 1 part vermouth. 15:1 is said to be the ratio Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery preferred when going into battle. Ernest Hemingway favored

“Drinking a glass of sherry instead of drinking a Martini Dry is like taking a stagecoach when you can travel with the Orient express.” W. Somerset Maugham – Writer

“A letal American weapon.” Nikita Khrusciov – Statist

“Shaken, not stirred.” James Bond – from the novel Casinò Royale by Ian Fleming

“When I have one martini, I feel bigger, wiser, taller. When I have a second, I feel superlative. When I have more, there’s no holding me” William Faulkner - Writer


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