Adriani e Rossi – Objects collection vol. 7 NEW

Iris small. C80X12 h. 30 cm. Iris big. C81X15 h. 35 cm. Candeliere in vetro a calice. Cup glass candle holder.

Karen small. C78X15 h. 30 cm. Karen big. C79X19 h. 35 cm. Candeliere in vetro taglio obliquo. Oblique glass candle holder.

171 Candele non incluse. Candles not included.

Candela bianca liscia. White smooth candles. R105X2 h. 6 Ø 6 cm.

Candela bianca liscia. White smooth candles. R105X2 h. 6 Ø 6 cm.

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