
g) changes and new composition of the bodies of the non-profit organization that took place during the year, h) other data determined by the Board of Directors.

10.3. The non-profit organization shall submit the annual report to the public part of the register of financial statements by 15 July of the relevant year.

ARTICLE XI Final provisions

11.1. This statute is made in three counterparts, of which two counterparts are attached to the written proposal for entry of the non-profit organization in the register and one counterpart remains with the non-profit organization.

11.2. The person signing this statute declares that:

a) have read the statute properly, b) he fully understands the content, which is sufficiently clear and definite for him, c) the statute expresses its free and serious will free from any error, d) the statute/constitution was not signed in distress, even under noticeably unfavorable conditions, as a sign of which the founder hereby signs this document by hand.

In Bratislava on 15.6. 2021

__________________________________ Prof. MUDr. Ján Slezák, Dr.Sc., FIACS

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