Charter of a non-profit organization
on the establishment of a non-profit organization pursuant to Act no. 213/1997 Coll. Act on non-profit organizations providing services of general interest
ARTICLE I. Name and registered office of the non-profit organization
1.1 Name of non-profit organization: European Academy of Molecular Hydrogen Research in Biomedicine n.p.o. (hereinafter referred to as the "Non - Profit Organization").
1.2 Headquarters of the non-profit organization: Sienkiewiczova 2539/1, 811 09 Bratislava – town section Old Town, Slovak republic
ARTICLE II. Founders
2.1 Founder of a non-profit organization: Prof. MUDr. Ján Slezák, Dr.Sc., FIACS, Slovak republic
ARTICLE III. First members of the Board of Directors, Director, Auditor, Board of Directors
3.1 The first members of the Board of Directors are:
- Mgr. Branislav Kura, PhD., Slovak republic - RNDr. Barbara Szeiffová Bačová, PhD ., Slovak republic - Mgr. Barbora Kaločayová, PhD ., Slovak republic
3.2 The director of a non-profit organization is:
- Prof. M UDr. Ján Slezák, Dr.Sc., FIACS, Slovak republic
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